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Save by Transforming Your Center into a Smart Gym
 Save by Transforming Your Center into a Smart Gym

Transform your gym. Create a 100% unmanned facility, a smart gym thanks to technology, and save thousands of euros annually with this new system.


We help you transform your business into the digital era:

A new era is driving sports centers to fully embrace new technologies to achieve significant savings and offer a wider range of services. At Mainure, we want to accompany you in this process with our experience and technical expertise.

Technology makes it easier to offer more and better services at lower costs. However, this requires significant knowledge, as the proper implementation can be a challenge for sports centers.

Don't worry, with Mainure, with your Net4Gym package, we take care of everything for you. Consult us.


Offer more services at no cost to your business:

Extend the gym's opening hours, even up to 24 hours, without incurring additional personnel costs.

With the automated entry control system at the door with QR code, bracelet, card, and more. With lights with presence control and other automations, you can keep the gym open without having to hire more staff and generate more expenses.


Save personnel costs: More than €20,000 per year

Thanks to our sports center management software, you can reduce hiring costs for administrative or reception staff since the system helps automate almost 100% of the registration and billing processes. The software allows members to register themselves and pay the fee from their mobile phones, which will renew automatically. You can run campaigns on social media (check our plans if you want us to do it for you) and automatically attract customers from your promotions.


The future is now. Boost your business.

Save by transforming your center into a smart gym.